Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Too Sharp

So here's where the real interaction comes in.... I need your help! Originally we hadn't planned to have any live music at the ceremony. Just a cd player and some of our favorite music. However, one afternoon we were talking to my dad about this and he suggested maybe his friend, Gary's son, Christian might want to sing at the wedding. Christian is in an all-male acapella quartet called Not Too Sharp. What a great idea - this is something I have never seen at a wedding!

So my dad contacted Gary who spoke with Christian and it looks like they are interested in singing at the wedding. Now the hard part - what will they sing? My original thought was "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles and this is still an option. Unfortunately though we have had no other ideas. Please help! Any thoughts? Song suggestions? Anything? Anything? I am thinking we would like to have popular songs along the lines of the Beatles or old standards (think Sinatra, etc.) and nothing too traditional.....

Please, please share your thoughts and ideas :-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

My quest for the perfect pair of wedding shoes started just after the first of the year. The criteria? Must be off white, but not ivory (as my dress is a strange shade of natural silk color), must not have too high of heel - Noah's only a few inches taller than I am - and they couldn't be too outrageously expensive. The shoes I ended up getting had 1 of the 3 criteria. After looking at some old wedding pictures of my parents I realized that my mom wore light pink pumps on her wedding day. Who better to emulate than my beloved mother :-)

I decided that it would be better to not get any shade of white at all and chose a pair of berry colored strappy sandals. I ended up spending about double the price that I wanted to spend, but I figure since they aren't white I can definitely wear them again. The heel turned out to be just the perfect height!
A couple of weeks ago the shoes arrived at my house after I ordered them from Chinese Laundry. When they arrived I of course tried them on to see if they were comfortable and if I could walk in them. Turns out they were in fact very comfortable and I had no problems walking in them. In fact they are so perfect I left them on for about an hour just walking around the house. I was so excited I told Noah that the shoes were my favorite part of the wedding so far. Typical Noah he said, "You mean I'm not your favorite part of the wedding?" So silly. He was just trying to get a rise out of me I suppose. Anyway, I told him that of course he was my favorite part, but that I would have him even without the wedding and without the shoes. And of course I wouldn't have any need for the shoes without him!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Will anyone read this?

Happy Monday!

I have been inspired by my good friend, Joanne, to start blogging. I thought I would start off by writing about planning for my upcoming wedding. There are only 75 days remaining until the big day and it seems like there is so much left to do! Now that the day is drawing nearer, it is coming down to the details and there are so many it is overwhelming at times. I often wonder (sometimes daily) where I will find the time to do it all. I am taking 2 classes (working on my Masters degree) right now that will be done the first week of March. Of course these 2 particular classes are the most work of any others that I've taken thus far. I will be glad when March comes and I will have a month to do nothing but work and wedding planning.

This past weekend on Saturday I had my trial run for my wedding day hair. It turned out great and I shouldn't have to have another appointment except to get a perm and color before the wedding day.

After the hair appointment my mom, Aunt Sharon, Elisia, Joanne and her mom, Susan, went to Toledo to Hancock Fabrics to look for fabric for the flower girl dresses. My nieces, Hannah and Jillian, will do me the honor of being part of my special day. Joanne's mom will be sewing the girls' dresses so who better to have with us than her! We did find fabric - lightweight satin and a sparkly organdy overlay. Hannah and Jillian will be so cute!

After the fabric store we continued shopping - at the mall in Toledo we were able to find some silvery shrug cardigans for Hannah and Jillian to wear and also silver shoes for the wedding day.

Next up - reception room layout, ordering table runners, and scheduling appointments and meetings....Who knew planning a wedding was so much work?!